Why self-reflection is the secret sauce to achievable goals

Growth happens whether we see it happening or not. Like a flower planted from a bulb, it turns to a beautiful bloom, the change is gradual. If you don’t look, you may miss it. This applies to many things. Celebration. Growth. Completion. Learning new skills. 

The Alchemist archetype is one I strive towards. Something is appealing to me about the idea of experimentation, trial, and error, hypothesizing, and recording as you go. Think of the alchemist as a phoenix rising from the ashes, continually growing and learning as it sheds its current existence to make way for a new future. 

Photo by Francesco Ungaro from Pexels

It’s easy to incorporate elements of experimentation and reflection into your life. Try these monthly routines in your practice. The timing of these can be up to you. It is easiest to do these when you have a trigger to remind you, at the beginning and end of the month. I am working on a seasonal cycle, so I break each season into three “acts”. (each is roughly one month) I practice these reflections at the end/beginning of each act. This week is the end of Winter – Act Two for me. While the season has not gone as I had hoped, my plans have helped me make more progress than ever.

Monthly Review

As I end a cycle, I complete a periodic review that includes:

  • List of accomplishments
  • Big events
  • The things I am most proud of
  • The things I found most challenging
  • Notes on how I am different
  • Personal struggles
  • Things I learned I want to remember
  • Project/Goal check-in or updates
  • Based on what I am seeing, I make a list of things I want to
    • Start
    • Stop
    • Continue

This sounds like a lot, but I keep this to a single page. I make quick notes using bullets, so it is a quick process. This allows me to reflect back and see how things are going. It sets me up for planning for the next month or period that I want to focus on.

Do you want to download a copy of my templates so you can get started right away?

Monthly check-in

As I begin a cycle, I complete a periodic check-in that includes:

  • Spiritual
  • Emotional
  • Physical

I look at my previous check-ins and notice any differences. I make a note of any new habits or those I might have fallen away from. I write how I feel in each area. It’s like doing a check-in to see how aligned you are. On a scale of 1-10 where are you in this area, and what’s causing you to be that way? It may make more sense for you to check in with what’s most important to you. In my Something More program, we review priority areas in your life (potentially: work, family, health, friends, and spirit). You could also look at the areas identified in the Level 10 life program. Personalize this and check in on the areas that are important to you.

Try these templates for a season and see how it feels to give yourself credit for all that you do. You might be surprised at what you do…and what you learn.

Every hero needs help and guidance on their quest. With a little work, you can find the right mentor for you. There’s nothing like the feeling that comes from having your very own wise guide or protective mother.

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