Tap into 12 archetypes to help your journey: part two

Last week we talked about the first four archetypes, the warrior, sensualist/farmer, messenger, and nurturer. Today, I will give you the next four characters to consider. Remember, these archetypes are people you may encounter on your quest. We are learning how to channel those skills and roles within yourself to be the master of your own needs. 

Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels


You will find the creator, with the fire burning inside, as a warm and playful character. They are sometimes outgoing, with a desire to be seen and heard, but this doesn’t always mean they choose the spotlight. It could be through their creations that they crave this recognition. The creators can accomplish amazing feats, both in the name of good or evil, so be careful how you tap into this vibe. This may be going back too far, but in Fraggle Rock, think of Mokey Fraggle. She was the ultimate creator archetype. Tap into your creative spirit when you need to make something, when you need to think outside of the box, or when you need to feel alive. 


Our healer archetype is another character that you will find grounded in the earth. The healer will take care of things, all kinds of things. Our healer will typically be very aligned with a strong sense of purpose or belonging, that sense of being grounded. Healers keep themselves and their things organized to tend to the things that need their care. The healer is the most unselfish person you will know. Castiel from Supernatural is a healer in the sense that he can literally lay hands on you and heal you. He is also an example of alignment with purpose and caregiving all throughout the series. Wear your healer hat when you need TLC or need to give TLC, when something is broken and needs to be fixed, when you need to make sure you’re in alignment, or when you need to be organized, responsibile, or altruistic.

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels


The diplomat may use their powers to talk you down, convince you to take a different course, or bring harmony to a heated situation. The diplomat favors harmony, balance, fairness, and a strong sense of justice. Padmé Amidala, especially in the Clone Wars, represents the diplomat. There are so many people you could list here. She is the balance to Anakin, seeks harmony in the worlds but has a fair sense of justice. You’ll want to tap on the diplomat within when you need to bring harmony to a situation or need to put something to balance, when you need to wade through the chaos to find a fair path, when need to practice justice.


The natural flow of transition, like the powerful waterfall escaping the peaceful river above to create a pool below, brings us to the alchemist. Prince Zuko from Avatar undergoes a deep transformation throughout the series. The alchemist embraces change. Creates it. If you are craving deep, soul-level change, you can create your own by tapping into the alchemist. Use your passion, find an intense focus and use your perception to tune in to the opportunities that will show you the way. Imagine yourself as a phoenix rising from the ashes. This is your chance to reinvent things.

Next week we’ll learn about the explorers, rulers, mavericks, and mystics

2 thoughts on “Tap into 12 archetypes to help your journey: part two”

  1. Pingback: Tap into 12 archetypes to help your journey: part one – Coachable Heart

  2. Pingback: Tap into 12 archetypes to help your journey: part three – Coachable Heart

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