Have More Fun Achieving Your Goals With A Bucket List

Does goal-setting (and managing) make you feel overwhelmed?

Have you ever made a goal because you felt you should?

Does looking at your to-do list bring up feelings of anxiety?

Some days, goals feel pretty “Type A”. You have your goal, a list of measurable actions to accomplish it, and a timeline you’re working towards. It can drive you at an urgent pace. But you may find yourself impatient, overly competitive, getting upset easily, or even associating your self-worth with the achievement of the said goal.

Managing your goals can be incredibly overwhelming (Photo by Thirdman from Pexels)

That’s not fun.

“A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.”

Bruce Lee

Do you want to do something more, try something new, or master a skill or hobby you have, but you don’t want to get swept away in the process, missing the moments that lead to fulfilling that dream?

Is it okay to have fun when you’re working towards something meaningful?

Is it okay to start down one path, and based on new information, change where you’re headed, and still call that a win?

I’m here to tell you that not only is it okay, but it should be required.

But how do you do that? How do you set a goal and start working towards it without turning into a Type A workaholic?

7 resources to help you create your own bucket list

Discover my favorite resources to create your very own bucket list.

Shift your perspective

  • Make your goal list a bucket list.
  • Make it short.
  • Make it easy.
  • Make it fun.

Language is important. We all know it, whether or not we practice it. Shifting your mindset to working on something on your bucket list – whether it’s the big to-do before I do bucket list, or if it’s a small focused bucket list that sets you up for an upcoming milestone – tells your brain something different than working on a goal.

Sometimes – all you need is a boost of joy and energy by doing what you want to do. (Photo by Anny Patterson from Pexels)

Many people have a bucket list and it includes things that you want to do, sure, but often it’s about 

Wouldn’t it be nice if I . . . 

The pressure isn’t the same. The commitment isn’t as looming. The list items are often the vision of fantasy and dreams.

Just thinking about it, doesn’t it feel better? 

You will still accomplish something. Maybe something huge. But the experience is going to be as much about the journey as the destination.  Your actions are going to include people with whom you share special bonds. You’re going to be an inspiration. You ARE an inspiration.

Ready to get started? Here are some ideas to get the juices flowing.


  • Holiday in a Log Cabin in the snow
  • Volunteer abroad
  • Make a recipe from every country in my genealogical line
  • Participate in a scavenger hunt
  • See the northern lights


  • Sell a painting
  • Write a book
  • Payoff debts
  • Conquer a fear
  • Complete a monthly challenge (Inktober, photo a day, decluttering, etc.)

How much more fun is that?

What would you put on your bucket list?

I wrote one twenty years ago…maybe more. It’s so fun to look back over the things that I’ve accomplished.

  • I wanted to swim with dolphins – instead, I swam with manta rays, and it’s one of my most amazing experiences
  • I wanted to get a tattoo – I have three, each telling the story of a special experience in my life
  • I wanted to write a book – I gave this a go – I ended up writing a short story, completely finished, and hated the experience – this one was removed from my list, but I would never have known if I hadn’t tried

I need to dig up my bucket list and review that and see how it lines up with who I am now. That would be a fun reflection for sure.

Who are you right now and what’s on your bucket list? Have you ever made one before? What have you accomplished because it was on your list?

7 resources to help you create your own bucket list

Discover my favorite resources to create your very own bucket list.

It’s your turn

Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing – add three items to your bucket list today.

When you do, I’d love to know how it goes for you. Drop a note in the comments or contact me on Instagram or Facebook.

1 thought on “Have More Fun Achieving Your Goals With A Bucket List”

  1. Pingback: Find creative ways to look at getting value – Coachable Heart

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