How do you know if you’re answering the right call?

When do you hear that echoing, distant voice calling you to adventure? Is it when you’re in the shower? As you’re trying to drift off to sleep? Perhaps, it’s when you’re reading or playing your favorite game or watching your favorite movie. You wish you could have something like that in your life.

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

In real life, the call comes in the little things. The mundane. The routine. A quest does not have to be a grand adventure in faraway lands. It can be in your own kitchen.

Where your mind wanders, your purpose lies.

We know we need to do things differently in some areas of our life. We know it at the very core of who we are. But, sometimes we just can’t be bothered. We don’t want to face the discomfort. There are unlimited excuses.

Excuses aside, if you keep returning to something in your mind, in your dreams, in your worries, it’s a sign that you are ready to take a deeper look. You are ready to answer the call. But how can you do that?

Photo by Roman Koval from Pexels

Let’s keep it fun and put on a few different hats as we walk through this process. Explore this idea. What is it? Excavate it. This would be perfect for journaling or meditating. Do you have a hot spot on your countertop where you pile the mail? Day after day the pile grows. You’re not sure if it’s going to blow like Kilauea.

For you, it could be a pile of shoes in the entry or piles of laundry or dishes, or anything else. You will know what it is. Once you have tuned into that whisper, think about this. What’s the current workflow that causes this to happen. Is it you, or your partner following a routine to always do the same thing?

Side note: if this calling includes a workflow that affects you and other people in your life, you will need to engage them. It’s up to you when to pull them in. But the more involved they are in this, the more success you’ll have. You may want to focus on something that you have complete control over as a practice run. It will give you experience that you can use when you try to bring others along with you.

How about changing that routine so you can mix things up. Switch gears here and put on your rebel hat… No one wants to do chores, but some things just make life easier, more efficient, more pleasant. Think about this in a maverick way. Dissect it. Rip it apart. How could it be different? Could you make it a game. Could you do it in reverse order? How can you make this easy for the way you work?

Now, let’s put on your creator hat. You have ideas. You know why this happens. You’ve brainstormed ways to make it better. Create a new path. Write it down. Sketch it out. Draw a map. Write a song. You do you. But create a new approach to this problem. At this point, if others are involved you will have to talk it over with them. Walk them through the steps so they understand. Get them on board. If this affects them, you won’t be able to do this alone.

Changing your routines can be easier than you think. We avoid it because change is hard. There are many ways to introduce small, meaningful changes in your life.

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear describes a process called habit-stacking.
  • Streaking by Jeff and Jami Downs gives another perspective. They have created an iPhone app to help you track your changes.
  • The use of SMART or SPIRIT goals can help. Break things down into the smallest improvement you can make and commit to that for a while. Then add on the next piece.
  • Even in the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Samwise helped Frodo break down the journey into Mordor. They had a hill to descend, an entire valley (filled with Orks) to cross, and a mountain to climb. Samwise encouraged Frodo to start, just by getting down the hill. Small steps.
  • If you need a community for support, look into the Nerd Fitness forums where they run 5-week challenges that help you level up your life. Check out the book Level Up Your Life by Steve Kamb for more information, or check out the website.

In summary there are a few steps to know if you’re answering the right call.

  • Hear the call
  • Answer the question – Is it really a calling? Explore, Rebel, Create
  • Answer the call
  • Commit to small changes
  • Repeat

What are you looking forward to the most? Exploring the call? Being a rebel to make it work better for you? Creating a new workflow?

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