Tap into 12 archetypes to help your journey: part one

This three-part series will introduce you to characters that you may meet along your journey. An archetype is, “a very typical example of a certain person or thing.” We’ll use that term to describe these characters. More importantly, it will give you ideas on how to tap into these archetypes for your own purposes.

Along your journey, you’ll meet many different people that will personify characters. It’s great to know these types of people, the specialists who are wholly one thing. You know you can count on them to fulfill that role for you. But I have learned that I carry each of these roles inside me. I suspect that you do as well. I believe that it’s easiest to think of their being twelve different archetypes. They present themselves as different hats you might wear along your journey.

In some exercises, you may rate your own life experience on a scale of 1-10 in some common areas – relationships, spirituality, finances, work, family, and others. I prefer to rate myself on how in tune I am with each of these archetypes. At some point in your life, you will have to call on each one of these skillsets. It’s important to understand and be comfortable in each of them. I suggest you reflect on what each archetype means to you and how each can be manifest along your journey. 

Image by Iván Tamás from Pixabay


Your warrior character should make you think of the fire burning inside. Think of the Mulan, passing as a man to become a warrior and defending the emperor and the palace. The warrior is a rising phoenix with a death-defying strength that enables them in all that they do. A warrior sees life as a challenge but is willing to take on that challenge and accept it whole-heartedly. Warriors are direct. Warriors are natural leaders. Warriors get things done. Warriors know what they want and deserve, and will take action to achieve it. When you need to lead, when you need to be strong, when you need achievement or success, when you face a challenge, that is when to call on your warrior.


The sensualist archetype is also known as the farmer. This character will be grounded and down-to-earth. The farmer cares for the land and makes sure we have essential needs met. She will be rooted in the cycles of the seasons. The sensualist will tap into desires as they love pleasure, luxury, and self-care. They will rely on input from all of the senses. Taste. Touch. Sight. Sound. Smell. Sixth sense. To enjoy the pleasure means to live in the moment and the full sensations that each can bring. Belle from Beauty and the Beast personifies both the grounded, steadfast, caregiving farmer and the luxurious sensualist elements. When you need to stay grounded, claim what you want in your heart of hearts, when you can tap into your senses, or when you need to care for yourself or others, call on your farmer/sensualist character.


Think of the messenger as the storyteller. The airwaves carry their words and weaving a spell. Think about how impactful the story told by the Lost Tribe from Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome was for that group. Their whole culture was based on the beliefs in the story. Every child could say the words and share the message. When you want to communicate, want to share a message, or impact the masses, summon the messenger within. 

Photo by EIRIK BILLINGTON from Pexels


The nurturer can be thought of as the mother. She will be the ultimate mama bear protector. Then she will turn around, tears streaming down her face, crying in joy for her loved ones, or shedding tears of pain that she shares with you. Think about Molly Weasly from the Harry Potter series. As a mother and a wizard, she provides the comfiest, coziest home for her loved ones, but don’t you dare cross her. You will not like what you get. When you want to stir the emotions of groups of people, protect your loves, be loving, caring, and nurturing call on the nurturing spirit we all have inside.   

Next week we’ll learn more about the creators, healers, diplomats, and alchemists.

2 thoughts on “Tap into 12 archetypes to help your journey: part one”

  1. Pingback: Tap into 12 archetypes to help your journey: part two – Coachable Heart

  2. Pingback: Tap into 12 archetypes to help your journey: part three – Coachable Heart

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