Tap into 12 archetypes to help your journey: part three

In week one, we talked about the first four archetypes, the warrior, sensualist/farmer, messenger, and nurturer. In part two, we discovered the creators, healers, diplomats, and alchemists. In our third and final post in this series, we’ll look at the explorers, rulers, mavericks, and mystics. As we wrap up the series, you should have quite the wardrobe of hats to wear in the different situations you encounter along your way.

Photo by Ekrulila from Pexels


The explorer is, as you could imagine, our globetrotter, a philosopher, or guide. This archetype encompasses all the wanderers on a constant search for meaning and those who love to travel. Buzz Lightyear is all about exploration with his tagline “to infinity and beyond!” The explorers are adventurous, optimistic, and enthusiastic. But they are also restless, like a flame dancing in the wind. You will have to be careful. Will it spark a wildfire, or will it blow out? When you need to go further than you’ve ever gone before, put on your explorer hat and sit back and enjoy the ride. When you want to make sure you’re not settling for anything less than the best, ask what your explorer would do. When you need to touch in with a purpose or sense of meaning, sit down with your explorer and dig in. 


The ruler archetype finds you meeting with a hard-working, responsible and ambitious person. Captain America, ever diligent, looking out for others, sacrificing himself, and standing up for others, you all know the type. Grounded in doing the right thing, you will find the ruler working-hard, long hours to bring ideas to fruition. The ruler will take the slow and steady path. They will persevere until they reach their goal. If you need to be the responsible one, put on your ruler hat. If it’s time for you to buckle down and finish that project, tap into your ruler’s work ethic. If you need to commit to a new ambition, connect with the ruler within. 

Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels


It might be obvious to go with the Top Gun character, Maverick here, but Ironman is the maverick we all know and love. In this, we see the maverick is concerned with bigger and better. The impossible brought to life. We know Ironman as the futurist, who not only imagines it but innovates it and brings it to life. Blowing in like a tornado and leaving just as fast, you will find the maverick has come, has served, and has moved on to where the need is greater. When you need to imagine a new future, you will want to innovate with your maverick hat on. When you need to accomplish the impossible, the maverick within will help you. When you want to leave the world a better place, do so as a maverick.


The mystic speaks to my gypsy soul. There’s something bohemian and wild about the mystic for me. If you are facing challenges on an adventure, ask yourself what a mystic would do? She might tame the situation, or call on her ancestors for guidance or embrace the wildness! In The Lion King, we see Rafiki as a mystic, providing sage counsel to Simba as he faces his biggest challenge. The mystic is intuitive, creative, and spiritual. You may find the mystic at odds with herself, pulled in opposite directions, relating to both sides of a situation. When you find yourself needing to decide, call on your mystic to tap into your intuition. When things spiral out of control, center yourself with your mystic. Look through those eyes to find the direction of the highest calling. When surrounded by wild things, unleash your mystic soul and join in the adventure.

With this series coming to a close, I hope you’ll be able to use this as a reference guide. No matter the situation you face, return to these resources to find a way to respond or react. Take a moment to meditate and ask yourself, what would my maverick do? How might my healer step in here? What can my messenger say to help in this situation? You are not alone, and you have all of these skills deep within you. Never forget that you can call on them at any time.

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